Finish Your Business™ Workshop
Sat, Apr 27
|Zoom -- mtg room linked in confirm. email
What have you been 'sweeping under the carpet' or shying away from?

Time & Location
Apr 27, 2024, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
Zoom -- mtg room linked in confirm. email
About the event
Afraid to be seen, can't take your business to the next level, feel like a fraud, playing it too safe, no boundaries, distractions, friction with your family or partner....and the list goes on. Of all the unresolved things we're not successfully addressing and dreams we haven't explored or fulfilled yet.
Let's face it: we have all crossed paths with at least one person who lives with regret or frustration about what could have been or should have been, but wasn't. Or who left this world still feeling incomplete. It's something that leaves a heavy impression on us, or maybe concerned that we could end up the same.
This 2 hour workshop offers you the opportunity to look inward and identify what needs your attention *most* right now -- the most significant life priorities that got brushed aside or went overlooked. A.K.A. your ‘Unfinished Business'. It might come as a reminder or a complete surprise, but it's essential for you to keep at the forefront either way.
Why? Because time expires quickly and our personal, professional, and spiritual growth is on the line. Along with simply feeling good about ourselves and our efforts while here. Plus how can we play a role that encourages others to grow and take care of their needs without continuously doing so ourselves?
A visual/audio presentation is used with built in exercises that allow you to connect more with your self, learn about burdens and healthy risks, identify top values, and recognize what energizes and drains you. Entry is free, but a donation link will be sent after workshop, for those who found value and would like to make a contribution. Note: this particular workshop date is for members and affiliates of Finding Freedom Academy only.